Learn English Everyday "HOWDEE"

英会話教室HOWDEEは2024年7月31日をもちまして閉業とさせていただく事となりました。 詳しくはこちら

HOWDEE one on one English for adult

Hello HOWDEE teachers, this is Kenji.
This page is explanation of my ideas for starting adult class at our school.

I’m trying to make a plan what kind of curriculums of English will really be effective for Japanese. Just for conversations, not for examinations.

And along with, I’m thinking to wanna make easily for teachers having classes as daily job. Willing to make simple as we can, not complicated.

The table of contents

Why One on One?

If I went to learn English somewhere. I wanna select a place that has one on one class with forigner teacher. To really getting better of conversation. Hearing a lot of foreigners speaking to train catching what they say. Learn more “useful” common words and phrases. And here is Misawa.

To make a habit of daily learning

Basically almost all Japanese don’t have a second language. We can spend life without that, only Japanese.

1. Speech time

Student speak something on English
This is almost homework. Every class students should bring some text that made before lessons. Theme will be anything fine. Daily topics, food around Misawa, Netflix or YouTube, short or long anything are okay. And speak that.

2. Today’s common words

Learn some useful common words
Learn at least 3 useful common words that student would unknown. What words should teacher teach will depends on each student’s level or what to want to learn.

3. Flash pictures

Watch the picture and then say something on English
Teacher need to prepare 1 picture. Prints, picture on laptop, postcards, real photograph anything fine. Student watch this picture and then speak something on English as they can say.

4. Listen and write

Listen the teacher’s speaking and then write on text




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